Location & Accommodations

The Holiday Inn, St. John's (180 Portugal Cove Rd.) is delighted to provide us with exceptional hospitality and lodging for our LIFT-NL Conference. There are 252 guest rooms, a fabulous indoor swimming pool, two (two!) 165 foot water slides and complimentary Wi-Fi in all rooms. There is also complimentary open air parking for all guests and East Side Mario's Restaurant will provide on-site meals daily until midnight.

Lunch is included in your Friday conference fee, and we will be dining together in the ballroom at the Holiday Inn with a guest speaker. Please remember to inquire about the Conference Room Rates. For reservations, call toll free 1-855-914-1413 and ensure that you use LIFT-NL to reserve your room. All guest rooms must be booked by Noon September 1st, 2022 in order to be reserved for the LIFT-NL Conference. We look forward to welcoming you soon!

Holiday Inn St. John's Conference Centre Hotel

180 Portugal Cove Road
St. John's NL NL A1B 2N2
--Holiday Inn St. John's Conference Centre Hotel--
+1 (709) 722-0506

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