D. Vaandering & S. McDonald Moores - Relationships First
Dr. Dorothy Vaandering & S. McDonald MooresDone
Krista Phelan & Katie Baggs - Little Nest Children’s Community
Krista Phelan & Katie BaggsDone
Keynote - Julie Pellissier-Lush
Julie Pellissier-LushDone
Ashley Beresford - NL Schools
Ashley BeresfordDone
Opening Remarks 8:45am
Keynote - Shelley Moore
Shelley MooreDone
Julie Pellissier-Lush Author
Julie Pellissier-LushDone
Tracy Saarikoski - Discovery Early Learning & Care
Tracy SaarikoskiDone
Lori Dalton - Cloudberry Forest School
Lori DaltonDone
Registration Table Opens 8:00am
Relationships First Newfoundland and Labrador (RFNL) is a provincial restorative justice (rj) organization housed in Memorial University’s Faculty of Education. RFNL aims to provide support, resources, research, and recommendations for the sustainable integration of rj in NL. RFNL understands rj as the framework upon which communities nurture the capacity of people to engage with one another and their environment in a manner that supports and respects the inherent dignity and worth of all.
Dr. Dorothy Vaandering, education professor and director of Relationships First NL, Memorial University has had two extensive careers (1) Primary-Elementary educator (2) researcher and teacher-educator who examines the implementation and sustainability of restorative justice in education. Her focus on connecting theory and practice has led to confronting the realities of colonization, past and present. She is author and co-author of a variety of academic and professional publications including Little Book of Restorative Justice in Education.
Sarah McDonald Moores, B.Mus/B.Mus.Ed, M.Ed, is the Restorative Justice Education Coordinator with Relationships First Newfoundland & Labrador (RFNL), seconded from her position as a music teacher in the provincial public school system. Sarah teaches a graduate course in restorative justice education at Memorial University. In her current roles with RFNL and Memorial University, Sarah hopes to help those engaged in all levels of education to embrace restorative justice as a way of being.
How can we nurture these important competencies in our schools and communities? On day two, RFNL will host a 3-hour institute on developing facilitation skills for implementing restorative justice and Circle pedagogy to encourage social-emotional and relational literacy. Whether you are an experienced restorative justice practitioner or if you are just starting your learning journey, these sessions are for you!