Relationships First: Caring And Connected Education For All
Location: Salon B - 9/23/22, 11:00 AM - 9/23/22, 12:15 PM (-0330) (1 hour 15 minutes)

Relationships First: Caring And Connected Education For All
David Tranter

Dr. David Tranter is a researcher, professor, and Scientific Director for the Centre for Relationship-Based Education. He is a dynamic and thought-provoking speaker who works widely with educators, parents, and mental health professionals across Canada and beyond. He is the co-creator of a pedagogical framework that simultaneously supports student achievement and well-being. His book “The Third Path: A Relationship-Based Approach to Student Well-Being and Achievement” has been adopted by educators throughout Canada.


The pandemic has highlighted the vital role that connection plays in education; not just for student mental health and well-being, but achievement too. This presentation will examine simple, effective, everyday classroom strategies to deepen a genuine sense of safety, belonging, and inclusion for all students. 

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