Deeper Dive Into Relationships First: Caring And Connected Education For All
David TranterDone
Crank up your Creativity
Josée BisaillonDone
Teaching in Small Groups
Jennifer SerravalloDone
Mathematizing Student Thinking: Infusing Mathematics into Real-Life Situations
David CostelloDone
Relationships First: Caring And Connected Education For All
David TranterDone
Dive Deep into Digital Learning Experiences
Leigh BordenDone
Deeper Dive Into Mathematizing Student Thinking: Infusing Mathematics into Real-Life Situations
David CostelloDone
Selecting Suitable Reading Resources to Boucle la boucle: Literacy Development and the FSL Learner
Jacqui Rideout Gennita BartlettDone
Meaningful Digital Learning Experiences
Leigh BordenDone
Deeper Dive Into Teaching Tough Topics
Larry SwartzDone
Allison Pinsent, an educator in Newfoundland and Labrador (NL) for twenty years, has continued her love of mathematics through undergraduate and graduate studies from Memorial University of Newfoundland (MUN). At the NL Department of Education, she is an advocate for responsive teaching and learning and developing a love of mathematics in all K-6 educators and learners. As a per-course instructor at MUN, she also thoroughly enjoys her work with educators. She is a committed member of the LIFT 2022 Planning Committee and she is excited to share her passion with you!
Leveraging Children’s Literature to Develop Numeracy
Have you wondered how children’s literature could support your numeracy teaching and learning? Have you used storybooks to engage learners and make connections to mathematics in their everyday lives? During this workshop, you will have an opportunity to delve into children’s literature selections and explore ways to use them to support curriculum outcomes and engage your learners in authentic mathematical experiences.