Becoming Fraction Literate
Location: Salon D - 9/23/22, 2:40 PM - 9/23/22, 3:55 PM (-0330) (1 hour 15 minutes)

Becoming Fraction Literate
Marian Small

Marian Small writes and speaks about K-12 math across the country. Her focus is on teacher questioning to get at the important math, to include all students, and to focus on critical thinking and creativity. 

Some resources she has written include MathUp, Making Math Meaningful for Canadian Students, Good Questions: A Great Way to Differentiate Math Instruction, Uncomplicating Fractions,  Open Questions for Rich Math Lessons, and The School Leader’s Guide for Building and Sustaining Math Success.


One particularly stressful area for many students is the development of fraction understandings. This breakout is designed to give you lots of great ideas you can use to ensure fractions make more sense to your students. 

We will use a variety of visual and concrete models and a variety of open-ended questions to explore representing and comparing fractions.

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